Thursday, January 5, 2012

A You Matter gOLD Nugget

Did you see your grandparents over the holidays? I did. They’re such extraordinary people: My grandmother works at a nursing home taking care of people (some younger than her), while my grandfather works out at the gym three times a week, along with volunteering at his local church. Many people don’t expect these activities to be performed by elders, but it’s very important to acknowledge the potential of everyone, regardless of their age.
Harry J. Getzov (author of “gOLD”, book pictured above pressed to my sister’s forehead) shed light on the perspective of elders through his newly published book, by having “inspiring conversations” with elderly people. If you listen to stories your grandparents and elder relatives have to share, you might find a topic that will spark your interest. Elders have more knowledge and experience than many people seem to realize – and that really does matter.  My mom interviewed Mr. Getzov, listen here.

Remember to spread the You Matter message to people young and old and everything in between!
~YMYL Anna